
The worsening relationship between the two top politicians seems not to stop any time soon. This is after the President security team was separated from that of his deputy.

The changes did not only affect the two security teams but also former President, Mwai Kibaki, security team. Previously, the president’s security team, that of the deputy president and that of the former president could have been used interchangeably from their central command centre.

With the increased political and governance differences, the security team will be reporting directly to their designated locations, that is either state house or office of the deputy president.

Assigning the guards permanently to each of the two offices has been attributed by the soiling differences between the two ahead of the 2022 general elections.

The move has also been implemented to tame spread of the Covid 19 virus. Sources that spoke to star Newspaper that State was worried about the huge rallies which the Deputy President might lead to spread of the virus to the two profile offices because the guards are mandated to control the crowds which puts them at risk of contracting the virus.

When the Star reached on the Inspector General of police for a comment on the changes, he said that he cannot discuss on the security details of the president and that of the deputy president.

In total, the president’s security unit has about 200 members assigned to the president escort alone. The 200 security officers are drawn from Recce and G-Company of General Service Unit.

The President’s escort unit is capable of maneuvering anywhere, collecting evidence and securing premises where the president is visiting. Police officers attending presidential functions are not allowed to carry arms in the function.


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