
In a surprising and delightful turn of events, President William Ruto earlier found himself looking up—quite literally—to none other than basketball giant Shaquille O’Neal. The unexpected meeting took place at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park in Atlanta, USA, and it has since become the talk of the town.

Imagine this: President William Ruto suddenly appearing almost diminutive next to the towering 7-foot-1-inch Shaq. The two figures stood side by side, capturing the imagination of everyone around them, making a striking and unforgettable picture.

President Ruto meets with NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal during his USA state visit
PHOTO: President Ruto meeting with NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal | COURTESY

Their meeting wasn’t just about height differences, though. It was a unique intersection of sports and politics, culture, and leadership. As President Ruto continues his four-day state tour in the United States, he has been engaging with various leaders and communities, aiming to strengthen international ties and promote Kenyan interests abroad.

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While details of their conversation remain private, it’s easy to speculate about the potential topics. Did they discuss the influence of sports on youth empowerment? Perhaps they exchanged thoughts on leadership, or maybe Shaq shared some of his experiences from his NBA days. Whatever the case, the image of the two together is enough to spark endless conversations.

The photo has since amused Netizens, who joked that it depicts Zakayo meeting Goliath. President Ruto has been locally nicknamed Zakayo, a name he acquired from a Biblical character who was known to collect taxes.

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